2024 TSMA

74 2024 TSMA Forms of muscle contractions Speed Resistance Adjustment Isometric Zero Varying Constant Isotonic Varying Constant Non Isokinetic Constant Varying Absolute The main benefits of isokinetic strength training are as follows: (1) Provides optimal resistance throughout the entire range of motion. Isokinetic exercise allows muscles to experience the most suitable resistance at every angle and direction of movement, effectively enhancing strength and joint flexibility. (2) Reduces the risk of injury. Isokinetic exercise controls the speed and resistance of movements, which can prevent sudden forces or strains that may lead to muscle or joint injuries. (3) Easy to monitor and track. Isokinetic exercise machines can measure the strength and power of muscle contractions, helping professionals assess an individual’s progress and performance. Isokinetic exercise is a form of strength training that uses specialized equipment to maintain a constant speed of move-