Sports Impact No.24
當期封面 NO.25
    NO.25 目錄


撰稿人 : 鹿特丹台貿中心王心怡

根據荷蘭中央統計局統計數字顯示,荷蘭現有人口總數約為1620萬,預估至2010年人口總數將增至1670萬。其中老年人口比例 (本文所述之老年人口係指年滿65歲及其以上之人口)將佔總人口數之14.9%,與2003年相較將增加10%。
試從上述統計數字及現況分析,未來幾年荷蘭因老年人口比例之大為提高,對以下產品之需求應亦有所增加 :
一、 寢具
(一) 可電動調整頭部及腳部高度之床板;
(二) 附帶護欄之床架;
(三) 可自行調整最適溫度之床褥;
二、 衛浴設備
(一) 墊高之馬桶座;
(二) 可輔助起身之支架;
(三) 附防滑功能之浴缸;
三、 居家設備
(一) 無需彎腰或展身使用之吸塵器及相關清掃工具;
(二) 具自動定時功能之鍋爐;
(三) 放大數字碼之電話機;
四、 自我護理工具
(一) 隨身用量血壓、血糖計;
(二) 方便不易彎腰者使用之剪腳指甲刀;
(三) 針對老年人易生之意外設計之急救箱;
五、 輔助行動工具
(一) 帶滑輪及攜物功能之行走支架;
(二) 簡便電動四輪代步車;
(三) 便於摺疊攜帶之輪椅;
六、 心理支持器材
(一) 布製玩偶;
七、 休閒運動器材
八、 養生食品

In 2004, the Netherlands was counting 342 nursing homes, with a total of 63,027 beds and 6,100 day treatment places. The number of nursing homes is the Rotterdam and the Hague: 18.

Per 100 inhabitants of 65 years and older, there are 3.6 beds available in Rotterdam. In the Hague: 4.6.2006

Of the total 483 municipalities in the Netherlands, there are 282 municipalities without a nursing home, whereas 145 municipalities only have 1 nursing home.

Nursing homes include accommodation, nursing, care and medical treatment by a nursing doctor for eldery people with a functional disorder because of age. If rehabilitation and reactivation is not possible, a long term treatment / nursing takes place. There is a distinction in care for elderly with a serious physical condition with hardly any prospecta on recovery (somatic) and care for elderly who suffer from dementia (psyco geratic).

The number of beds per 1,000 inhabitants of 65 years and older is ranging from 15 to 39 beds.

The regions with the highest number of beds are Amsterdam and Haaglanden. With 39 and 37 beds respectively, per 1000 inhabitants of 65 years or older.


In 2004, the Netherlands is counting 1363 homes for the elderly/rest homes, with in total 110.196 beds.
In Amsterdam, the number of elderly/rest homes is the highest: 43. In total these 43 homes have 4481 beds.
Per 100 inhabitants of 65 years and older, there are 5.3 beds available in Amsterdam.
Of the 483 municipalities, 37 are not having any home for the elderly/rest homes, whereas there are 159 municipalities with 1 home for the elderly/rest home only.
Homes for the elderly/rest homes are offering accommodation with care/semi-care to elderly of 65 years and older. This exista of nursing and assistance, because of physical problems and mental disorders which are related to the age, such as dementia. This care has been expanded with general medical care (family doctor care), pharmaceutical care and medical aids since 2001.
The number of beds per 1,000 inhabitants of 65 years and older is ranging from 27 beds in Delft Westland Oostland to 58 beds in the region Midden-Brabant.
The National Association of Home Care (Z-org) and the branch organization Home care Netherlands (BTN=Branchebelang Thuiszorg Nederland) are the branch organizations in the Netherlands for home care.
Z-org is representing about 100 home care institutes in the Netherlands, which are covering about 75% of the market of home nursing and home care. The remaining 25% is covered partly by the BTN.
Since 1st January 2000, Arcares (branche vereniging voor verpleging en verzorging) was established, the national branch organization for nursing and care. This branch organization is counting 558 members, which are representing 1485 care organizations, both nursing homes and homes for the elderly. They are offering care to about 220,000 customers, and are employing all together 220,000 employees.
A part of the member companies are operating solely, another part is organized in a larger concern. To these concerns belong nursing homes, homes for the elderly, home care organizations, hospitals, organizations for disabled and/or housing corporation.
Arcares is covering the needs of the member care organizations and is the representative of this branch.

Z-org :
John F. Kennedylaan 99
3981 GB Bunnik
Postbus 100
3980 CC Bunnik
Tel : 31-30-65 96 211
Fax : 31-30-65 63 994
E-mail :

Branchebelang Thuiszorg Nederland (BTN)
Everdenberg 5
Tel : 31-162-46 00 77
Fax : 31-162-434 400
E-mail :

Postbus 8258
3503 RG Utrecht
Tel : 030 273 93 93
Fax : 030 273 97 87
E-mail :

Provisional figures on costs and financing of care
Subjects Costs of care
Suppliers welfare
Nursing homes Homes for the elderly
Periods Mln euro
2003* 4474 3760
2004* 4567 3944
c Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg/Heerlen 2/9/2006

Provisional figures on costs and financing of care

Date available from : 2000
Frequency : yearly

Information service :
Orders by e-mail :
Copyright (c) Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg 2003.
Quotation of source is compulsory, reproduction is permitted for own or intrnal use.

For more elaborate information on care the reader is referred to :
Zorgrekeningen naar actoren
Let wel : De cijfers in deze zorgrekeningentabellen die zijn ontleend aan de Workingpaper Zorgrekningen van decmber 2002 wijken af van de totalen in de tabel Uitgacen on Financiering zorg. In een volgende publicatie over de zorgrekeningen worden deze tabellen (Zorgrekeningen en Zorgrekeningen naar actoren) ook aangepast

. : data no available
* : provisional figures
- : nil
x : publivation prohibited
blank : category not applicable

Costs of care
Succinct survey of costs of health care and welfare, financing (by government, insurance companies and other sources), costs of care per capita and costs of care as a percentage of the GDP.

Nursing homes
A government-recognised institution where patients who do not require hospital admittance are nursed and treated.

Provisional figures, Each year last year’s health care costs are estimated, while definitive figures on previous years are made available as much and as soon as possible.

Sports Impact No.25