2024 TSMA

79 Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association training, making it highly suitable for individuals with limb pain, physical and mental fatigue, or physical weakness. Additionally, it serves as an excellent warm-up before primary exercise or as a gentle cool-down routine after training. The following diagram depicts the developmental history of whole body vertical vibration, which originated from early applications in the Soviet Union to counteract the effects of bone loss and muscle atrophy in astronauts experiencing microgravity. Over time, it has evolved from being utilized in athlete training and hospital patient rehabilitation to gradually integrating into daily life, becoming a user-friendly exercise technology for home use. High-quality vertical vibration can consistently provide directional (vertical up and down), constant-frequency, and constant-amplitude vibrations. In addition to effectively triggering muscle reflexes and muscle contractions, achieving the effects of muscle strength training, the whole body also experiences impact forces from the ground during the descent phase. This stimulates bones and bone marrow, inducing the proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells within the bone marrow. It reduces the proportion of cells differentiating into fat cells while increasing differentiation into muscle cells, bone cells, and joint cartilage cells. This not only aids in improving