
Dear friends,

Our annual publication, the new WFSGI Magazine 2017 is out now!
We wish to share the digital version exclusively with our members a couple of weeks before we share it with the public.

Read this year about our joint industry activities and trending topics:

  • Preserving Integrity: The Power of Sport
  • Fit for the Digital Consumer Journey?
  • High-Tech Innovation, Robotics & Digitalization


Thank you for sharing the WFSGI Magazine 2017 with your colleagues
and friends via intranet, web, social media or other channels:



WFSGI - World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry
Obere Zollgasse 75, P.O.Box 1664, 3072 Ostermundigen/Bern, Switzerland
Phone +41 31 939 60 61, Fax +41 31 939 60 69, Mobile +41 79 205 2929
E-mail: sburkert@wfsgi.org, Skype: wfsgi.sburkert