2024 TSMA

82 2024 TSMA can be set to specific speeds (frequencies), all machines allow users or trainers to adjust speed, resistance, and range of motion according to their individual strength and condition. Moreover, they effectively leverage smart technology to integrate, control, collect, and analyze users’ health status, physiological responses, and exercise data. This enables continuous dynamic adjustment of training speed, frequency, and volume. In the future, within the integrated and intelligent precision sports management system, all isokinetic (constant frequency) training technology equipment will be connected through the Internet of Things (IoT). Experts will be able to provide personalized exercise interventions and real-time AI coaching based on individual physical fitness and health conditions. This will incorporate precise exercise prescription execution and management. The goal is to integrate isokinetic muscle strength training technology with artificial intelligence technology for precise exercise training for the elderly, continuously optimizing and evolving into the world’s best healthy aging training system. This integrated system will cover various aspects, including health assessment and management, smart fitness equipment, precise exercise planning, exercise data analysis, and professional consulting advice. It will help establish a complete smart fitness facility, enhance the operational efficiency of smart fitness facilities, and, through data analysis and collection, more efficiently execute operational and service plans to meet the objectives. This will create innovative interaction and service models between fitness professionals and users. https://www.freepik.com