2024 TSMA

66 2024 TSMA Nowadays, LPS is all the rage, especially in team sports like basketball and soccer. It tracks players precisely, whether they’re indoors or outdoors. It’s not just for the pros; many apps and devices use LPS for in-depth per formance analysis. For now, LPS isn’t just for sports. It’s used in eldercare, patient monitoring, and even managing warehouses efficiently. Combining LPS or GPS with Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) gives you more detailed movement data. From broad ranges to minute signals, it’s all in the numbers. While soccer, basketball, and rugby get most of the LPS action, sports like track and field, volleyball, badminton, and field hockey are getting in on the action too. Athletes love it because precise data helps coaches and sports scientists fine-tune their performance. So, the next time you see a player running down the field or track, know that technology is helping them reach new heights! Video-based Technology Another game-changing technology in the world of sports is optical video-based tech. By capturing images through cameras, we can analyze athletes’ postures, movements, and strategies. The cool thing about optical tech is that it doesn’t require athletes to wear any extra gear. It’s as simple as setting up cameras and hitting record. These cameras can spot who’s who on the field and send images back for analysis. The development of sports technology continues to elevate the monitoring, analysis, and improvement of athletic performance. This tech is like having an extra set of eyes, and it’s making sports better than ever. With sports footage analysis, we can get the quantify how athletes perform both technically and tactically. In the past, people used high-speed cameras or infrared motion analysis systems to capture those high speed actions. For example, high-speed cameras would capture frames and marker events, which paste on human body, like the moment a taekwondo athlete kicked or the time it took for a runner’s foot to touch the ground and lift off again. These methods, while effective, had some limitations and were often confined to lab settings (Vicon, Motion Analysis System).