2024 TSMA

64 2024 TSMA moving and how your body’s twisting and turning during your workouts. People can find these sensors in smart watches and even smart shoes, helping them keep tabs on your running form and foot strikes. Today’s smart watches have become our daily buddies, tracking our steps, runs, and even our sleep. They use IMUs to get the job done. But here’s the cool part: if you place these sensors on your feet, they can give you the aids in observing how your legs are doing during exercise by recognizing all those nifty lower limb moves you make. A decade ago, researchers figured out that IMUs could help us understand different exercises and their intensity. They looked at how your feet move back and forth, side to side, and up and down during different exercise modes and intensities. By collecting and analyzing the data from these sensors, we can get a real deep dive into our exercise states and routines. This info isn’t just for bragging rights; it can provide us valuable insights for training purposes, and it might even lead to cool apps like exercise trackers or swimming posture coaches. These apps aren’t just for sports geeks; they’re handy for anyone looking to stay active and healthy. So, keep rocking that wearable tech – it’s got your back! Positioning Technology Another critical technology widely used in devices like smart watches and smartphones is the Global Positioning System (GPS). It plays a significant role in collecting data for sports and measuring athletic